Sources and Abbreviations

Sound recordings


Kodály fonográfhengerek: phonograph cylinders containing Hungarian folk music, collected by Zoltán Kodály between 1906 and 1936; around 500 items, the greater part housed at the Kodály Zoltán Archives, Budapest, and the smaller part housed in the Budapest Museum of Ethnography


Múzeumi hengerek: collection of phonograph cylinders containing folk music of different ethnic groups, collected by several folklorists between 1896 and 1949; around 4500 items, housed in the Budapest Museum of Ethnography


Tót fonográfhengerek: phonograph cylinders containing Slovak folk music collected by Bartók between 1906 and 1918; around 230 items, housed at the Literary Archives of the Slovak National Library, Martin, shelf mark A XXI

Manuscript sources and collections

Bartók System

A collection of master sheets of transcriptions of all Hungarian folk songs collected up to1938, classified and organized by Bartók between 1934 and 1940 at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; around 14,000 items, housed at the Folk Music Archives of the Institute for Musicology, Research Centre for the Humanities. All master sheets are available in facsimile, together with the corresponding phonograph recordings, in Béla Bartók, Hungarian Folk Songs: Complete Collection, ed. István Pávai and Pál Richter, 2nd rev. digital ed. ©2017, Published partially as HFSCC/I and MNEGy/I–II


See MS first notations


Bartók’s Slovak collection: a complete set of MS master sheets of transcriptions of Slovak folk music collected by Bartók between 1906 and 1918, including revised transcriptions from the 1930s of selected recordings; around 3250 items; PB, without shelf mark (photocopy in BBA). Published as SLP/I–III.

Col. I–IV

A complete set of MS master sheets of Bartók’s Romanian colindă collection, four volumes bound in red leather, classified as types 1–133, also including 31 discarded master sheets, with Bartók’s later revisions of the transcriptions; 519 folios; GV, BH I/201–204 (photocopy in BBA). Published as Colinde.

Kodály System

A collection of master sheets of transcriptions of Hungarian folk songs, classified and organized according to principles devised by Kodály; around 33,000 items, housed at the Folk Music Archives of the Institute for Musicology, Research Centre for the Humanities. All master sheets are available in facsimile in: Kodály-rend: Kodály népzenei gyűjtésekből és történeti forrásokból létrehozott kéziratos dallamgyűjteménye [Kodály System: Manuscript collection compiled by Kodály from collected folk melodies and historical sources], ed. Olga Szalay ©2013,, and Kodály-rend: Kodály Zoltán kéziratos dallamgyűjteménye (1905–1958) [Kodály System: Manuscript melody collection of Zoltán Kodály], ed. Mátyás Bolya ©2018,

Mar. I–IV

A complete set of master sheets of Bartók’s Romanian collection from Maramureș county, four volumes bound in red leather, classified as types 1–209, also including 4 unclassified examples; 341 folios; GV, BH I/194a–d (photocopy in BBA). Published as Maramureș.


Museum master sheets: a collection of master sheets of transcriptions of folk music of mixed origin, organized according to the catalog number of the phonograph cylinders; around 13,650 items, housed in the Budapest Museum of Ethnography. The master sheets of Bartók’s Hungarian, Romanian and Turkish collection are available in facsimile in: Bartók Béla gyűjtései a Néprajzi Múzeumban [Béla Bartók’s records in the Museum of Ethnography], ed. Krisztina Pálóczy, ©2016,

MS field books

Sixteen music notebooks used by Bartók on his folk music collecting trips, bound in red leather, containing 45 to 50 sheets, with Bartók’s original pagination or archivist’s foliation. Their numbering originates partly from Bartók, reflecting to certain extent their content: M.I to M.VI contain mostly Hungarian (magyar), R.I and R.II contain mostly Romanian, and T.I to T.III contain mostly Slovak (tót) folk music. The rest contain material of mixed origin. They are kept under the following shelf marks:

M.I to M.V: GV, BH I/95 to I/99

M.VI: GV, BH I/111

R.I and R.II: GV, BH I/101 and I/102

T.I and T.II: GV, BH I/105 and I/106

T.III: GV, BH I/110

IV and V: GV, BH I/103 and I/104

VI and VII: GV, BH I/107 and I/108

VIII: GV, BH I/112

MS first notations

Első lejegyzések fonográfról” [First notations from the phonograph]: Bundles of large-format music paper, mainly bifolios, forming gatherings and containing transcriptions of folk music from phonograph cylinders, archivist’s foliation 1–178; GV, without shelf mark but listed under catalog number I/97 (photocopy in BBA). Comprises five large units: (a) Hungarian folk songs and popular songs; (b) mainly Romanian and Arab folk music; (c) “I. füzet” [volume I], mainly Romanian folk music but also including Ruthenian (i.e., Ukrainian) and Hungarian; (d) large folios numbered I–VII containing Hungarian folk songs mainly copied from published collections; (e) folios and bifolios containing Hungarian folk songs copied from published collections.

R.Instr. I–VII

A complete set of master sheets of Bartók’s collection of Romanian instrumental folk music, bound in seven volumes, with Bartók’s later revisions of the transcriptions; 1264 folios; GV, BH I/167–191 (photocopy in BBA); preparatory material for Bartók’s Rumanian Folk Music vol. I. Class A melodies (types 1–542 in the published volume) are classified here according to dance genres as types 1–589. Published as RFM/I.


Romanian master sheets: a series of early master sheets (1909–1911) from Bartók’s Romanian collection, archivist’s foliation 1–678; Kodály Zoltán Archives, Budapest, shelf mark N–60


A complete set of master sheets of transcriptions of Romanian vocal folk music collected by Bartók between 1909 and 1918, including revised transcriptions from the 1930s; around 1400 items, bound in eight volumes in red leather; GV, BH I/144–166 (photocopy in BBA). Published as RFM/II.


Slovak master sheets: two series of early master sheets from Bartók’s Slovak collection, consisting of 169 folios of unordered carbon copies and 57 folios of original master sheets with revisions in red pencil (from around 1910); GV, without shelf mark but listed under catalog numbers I/141 and 141a (photocopy in BBA)

Text-collecting notebooks

Notebooks, of varying extent, bound in red leather, with Hungarian, Romanian, and Slovak folk texts; GV, BH I/115–128 (photocopy in BBA). Hungarian texts can be found in vols. 2–4, 7, and 13, Romanian ones in vols. 1–8 and 13, Slovak ones in vols. 4, 5, and 7–14.

Published collections


István Bartalus, Magyar népdalok: Egyetemes gyűjtemény [Hungarian Folk Songs: Complete Collection], 7 vols. Budapest: Pesti Könyvnyomda, 1873–1896.


Béla Bartók, Cântece poporale românești din comitatul Bihor / Chansons populaires roumaines du département Bihar (Hongrie). Bucureşti: Librăriile Socec & Comp. și Sfetea, 1913. Facsimile reprint of Bartók’s annotated copy: Béla Bartók, Ethnomusikologische Schriften, vol. III, ed. Denijs Dille. Budapest: Editio Musica, 1967.


Béla Bartók, Melodien der Rumänischen Colinde (Weihnachtstlieder). Wien: Universal Edition, 1935. Facsimile reprint (with a supplement of the song texts): Béla Bartók, Ethnomusikologische Schriften, vol. IV, ed. Denijs Dille, Budapest: Editio Musica, 1968. In English: Béla Bartók, Rumanian Folk Music, vol. IV: Carols and Christmas Songs (Colinde), ed. Benjamin Suchoff. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1975.


Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály, Erdélyi magyarság: Népdalok [Transylvanian Hungarians: Folk Songs]. Budapest: Rózsavölgyi és Társa, [1923].


Béla Bartók, Hungarian Folk Music, trans. Michel-Dimitri Calvocoressi. London: Oxford University Press, 1931. More recent editions: The Hungarian Folk Song, ed. Benjamin Suchoff. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1981; The Hungarian Folk Song, ed. Peter Bartók. Homosassa, Florida: Bartók Records, 2002. – First edition in Hungarian: A magyar népdal. Budapest: Rózsavölgyi és Társa, 1924. Most recent edition: Bartók Béla írásai [Béla Bartók Writings], vol. 5, ed. Dorrit Révész. Budapest: Editio Musica, 1990. – First edition in German: Das ungarische Volkslied: Versuch einer Systematisierung der ungarischen Bauernmelodien, Ungarische Bibliothek für das Ungarische Institut an der Universität Berlin, Erste Reihe, vol. 11. Berlin and Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter, 1925. Reprinted as Béla Bartók, Ethnomusikologische Schriften, vol. I, ed. Denijs Dille. Budapest: Editio Musica, 1965.


Hungarian Folk Songs: Complete Collection, compiled by Béla Bartók, ed. Sándor Kovács and Ferenc Sebő, vol. I (Class AI, Nos 1–416). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1993. In Hungarian: MNEGy/I.


Magyar gyermekjáték-gyűjtemény [Collection of Hungarian Children’s Games], ed. Áron Kiss. Budapest: Hornyánszky, 1891.


A magyar dal: Ezer magyar népdal, összegyűjtötte, kiválogatta, zongorára és énekhangra harmonizálta Kún László [Hungarian Song: A Thousand Hungarian Folk Songs, collected, selected, arranged for piano and voice by László Kún], vol. I. Budapest: Könyves Kálmán Magyar Műkiadó R.T., [1906].


Béla Bartók, Volksmusik der Rumänen von Maramureș, Sammelbände für Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft, vol. IV. Munich: Drei Masken Verlag, 1923. Facsimile reprint: Béla Bartók, Ethnomusikologische Schriften II, ed. Denijs Dille. Budapest: Editio Musica, 1966. In English: Béla Bartók, Rumanian Folk Music, vol. V: Maramureș County, ed. Benjamin Suchoff. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1975.


Detva: Monografia, spisal Karol A. Medvecký. Detva: Tlačou Kníhtlačiarne Karla Salvu v Ružomberku, 1905


Magyar Népdalok: Egyetemes Gyűjtemény [Hungarian Folk Songs: Complete Collection], compiled by Béla Bartók, ed. Sándor Kovács and Ferenc Sebő, vols. I and II (Class AI, Nos 1–416 and 417–906). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1991 and 2007.


Regös-énekek [Regös Songs], collected by Dr. Gyula Sebestyén, Magyar Népköltési Gyűjtemény [Collection of Hungarian Folk Poetry], vol. IV, Zenei mellékletek [Music Supplements]. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1902.


A Magyar Népzene Tára / Corpus Musicae Popularis Hungaricae, vol. I: Gyermekjátékok [Children’s Games], ed. György Kerényi. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2nd ed. 1957.


A Magyar Népzene Tára / Corpus Musicae Popularis Hungaricae, vol. III/A and B: Lakodalmas [Wedding Songs], ed. Lajos Kiss. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1955, 1956.


A Magyar Népzene Tára / Corpus Musicae Popularis Hungaricae, vol. IV: Párosítók [Pairing Songs], ed. György Kerényi. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959.


A Magyar Népzene Tára / Corpus Musicae Popularis Hungaricae, vol. VI: Népdaltípusok [Folksong Types] 1, ed. Pál Járdányi and Imre Olsvai. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1973.


Ötödfélszáz énekek (Pálóczi Horváth Ádám dalgyűjteménye 1813-ból) [450 Songs: Ádám Pálóczi Horváth’s Collection of Songs, 1813], ed. Dénes Bartha and József Kiss. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1953.


Béla Bartók, Rumanian Folk Music, vol. I: Instrumental Melodies, vol. II: Vocal Melodies, vol. III: Texts, ed. Benjamin Suchoff. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1967.


Sbierka slovenských ľudových piesní pre stredný hlas a klavírový sprievod [Collection of Slovak Folk Songs for Middle Voice with Piano Accompaniment], vol. II, arranged by Mikuláš Schneider-Trnavský. Turč. Sv. Martin: Tlačou Knihtlačiarskeho účastináreskeho spolku, [n.d.]


Szlovák népdalok / Slovenské ľudové piesne / Slovak Folk Songs: The “Rough Draft” Version of Béla Bartók’s Collection Entitled Tót Folk Songs I, ed. István Käfer and Erika Sztakovics. Szeged: Gerhardus, 2011.

Slovenské spevy/I–II

Slovenské spevy [Slovak Songs], Diel [I.] and II. Ed. Priatelia Slovenských spevov. Turč. Sv. Martin: Tlačou Knihtlačiarskeho účastináreskeho spolku, 1880 and 1890. New critical edition: Slovenské spevy: druhé doplnené, kritické a dokumentované vydanie [Slovak Songs: second enlarged critical edition

with documentation], vol. I and II, ed. Ladislav Galko. Bratislava: Opus, 1972, 1973.


Béla Bartók, Slovenské ľudové piesne / Slowakische Volkslieder, ed. Alica Elscheková and Oskár Elschek. Vols. I and II, Bratislava: Academia Scientiarum Slovaca, 1959 and 1970. Vvol. III, Bratislava: ASCO Art and Science, 2007.


Károly Színi, A magyar nép dalai és dallamai [Songs and Melodies of the Hungarian People]. Pest: Heckenast Gusztáv, 1865.


Lujza Tari, Bartók Béla hangszeres magyar népzenegyűjtése [Béla Bartók’s Instrumental Hungarian Folk Music Collection]. Dunaszerdahely: Csemadok Művelődési Intézete, 2011. Online access:

Other abbreviations


Budapest Bartók Archives, Institute for Musicology, Research Centre for the Humanities


Bartók Béla írásai [Béla Bartók Writings], vol. 1: Bartók Béla önmagáról, műveiről, az új magyar zenéről, műzene és népzene viszonyáról [Béla Bartók on his life, work, the new Hungarian music, the relation between art music and folk music], ed. Tibor Tallián. Budapest: Editio Musica, 1989.

BBI/3, 4

Bartók Béla írásai [Béla Bartók Writings], vols. 3 and 4: Írások a népzenéről és a népzenekutatásról [Writings on Folk Music and Folk Music Research] I–II, ed. Vera Lampert. Budapest: Editio Musica, 1999 and 2016.


Bartók Estate, Gábor Vásárhelyi’s collection


Bartók Béla összegyűjtött írásai [Béla Bartók Collected Writings] I, ed. András Szőllősy. Budapest: Zeneműkiadó, 1967.


Béla Bartók Essays, ed. Benjamin Suchoff. London: Faber & Faber, 1976.




Gábor Vásárhelyi’s collection

m., mm.

measure, measures




Peter Bartók’s collection, deposited in the Paul Sacher Foundation, Basel


Béla Bartók, Studies in Ethnomusicology, ed. Benjamin Suchoff. Lincoln: Lincoln University Press, 1997.


Zoltán Kodály, Visszatekintés: Összegyűjtött írások, beszédek, nyilatkozatok [Looking Back: Collected Writings, Speeches, and Statements], vol. 2, ed. Ferenc Bónis. Budapest: Zeneműkiadó, 1982.