Vocal works
- BB 34 Székely Folksong for voice and piano
- L 1 Piros alma
- BB 42 Hungarian Folksongs for voice and piano
- L 2 1. Elindultam szép hazámbul
- L 3 2. Által mennék én a Tiszán ladikon
- L 4 3a. Fehér László lovat lopott
- L 5 3b. Fehér László lovat lopott
- L 6 4a. A gyulai kert alatt
- L 7 4b. A kertmegi kert alatt
- L 8 5. Ucca, ucca, ég az ucca
- L 9 6. Ablakomba, ablakomba
- L 10 7. Száraz ágtól messze virít a rózsa
- L 11 8. Végigmentem a tárkányi
- L 12 9. Nem messze van ide kis Margitta
- L 13 10. Szánt a babám
- BB 43 Hungarian Folksongs (2nd series) for voice and piano
- L 14 1. Tiszán innen, Tiszán túl
- L 240 2. Erdők, völgyek, szűk ligetek
- L 173 3. Olvad a hó
- L 15 4. Ha bemegyek a csárdába
- L 56 5. Fehér László lovat lopott
- L 16 6. Megittam a piros bort
- L 17 7. Ez a kislány gyöngyöt fűz
- L 18 8. Sej, mikor engem katonának visznek
- L 19 9. Még azt mondják
- L 45 10. Kis kece lányom
- BB 44 Two Hungarian Folksongs for voice and piano
- L 20 1. Édesanyám rózsafája
- L 305 2. Túl vagy, rózsám, túl vagy
- BB 46 Four Slovak Folksongs for voice and piano
- L 81 1. V tej bystrickej bráne
- L 73 2. Pod lipko, nad lipko
- L 113 3. Pohřebni píseň
- L 21 4. Priletel pták
- BB 47 Eight Hungarian Folksongs for voice and piano
- L 166 1. Fekete főd, fehér az én zsebkendőm
- L 167 2. Istenem, Istenem, áraszd meg a vizet
- L 168 3. Asszonyok, asszonyok, had’ legyek társatok
- L 169 4. Annyi bánat a szívemen
- L 170 5. Ha kimegyek arr’ a magos tetőre
- L 171 6. Töltik a nagyerdő útját
- L 172 7. Eddig való dolgom a tavaszi szántás
- L 173 8. Olvad a hó, csárdás kis angyalom
- BB 57 Two Romanian Folk Songs for women's voices
- BB 60 Four Old Hungarian Folk Songs for men's voices
- BB 65 Nine Romanian Folksongs for voice and piano
- L 157 1. [Ai, Mă dusei la biseric']
- L 158 2. Hei, Toate lumea vrea să moru
- L 159 3. [Vai de mine, ce şi fii]
- L 138 4. [Ciucuri verde de mătasă]
- L 160 5. [Fă mă Doamne, ce mii face]
- L 161 6. Până fusei la maica, măi
- L 162 7. Frunză verde, foaie fragă
- L 163 8. Atâtea gânduri îmi vinu
- L 164 9. Cine n'are noroc n'are
- BB 73 Slovak Folksong for voice and piano
- L 165 Krutí Tono vretena
- BB 77 Four Slovak Folk Songs for mixed voices and piano accompaniment
- BB 78 Slovak Folk Songs for four-part men's chorus
- BB 87a Five Village Scenes for voice and piano
- L 208 1. Haymaking [Pri hrabaní]
- L 209 2. At the Bride's [Pri neveste]
- L 210 3. Wedding [Svatba] (1)
- L 211 3. Wedding [Svatba] (2)
- L 212 4. Lullaby [Ukoliebavka] (1)
- L 213 4. Lullaby [Ukoliebavka] (2)
- L 214 5. Lad's Dance [Tanec mládencov]
- BB 87b Three Village Scenes for 4 or 8 female voices and chamber orchestra
- L 210 1. Wedding [Svatba] (1)
- L 211 1. Wedding [Svatba] (2)
- L 212 2. Lullaby [Ukoliebavka] (1)
- L 213 2. Lullaby [Ukoliebavka] (2)
- L 214 3. Lad's Dance [Tanec mládencov]
- BB 97 Five Hungarian Folksongs for voice and piano
- L 2 1. Elindultam szép hazámbul
- L 3 2. Által mennék én a Tiszán ladikon
- L 6 3. A gyulai kert alatt
- L 12 4. Nem messze van ide kis Margitta
- L 11 5. Végigmentem a tárkányi
- BB 98 Twenty Hungarian Folksongs for voice and piano
- L 238 I. Szomorú nóták, 1. A tömlöcben
- L 239 I. Szomorú nóták, 2. Régi keserves
- L 240 I. Szomorú nóták, 3. Bujdosó ének
- L 241 I. Szomorú nóták, 4. Pásztornóta
- L 242 II. Táncdalok, 5. Székely "lassú"
- L 243 II. Táncdalok, 6. Székely "friss"
- L 244 II. Táncdalok, 7. Kanásztánc
- L 245 II. Táncdalok, 8. "Hatforintos" nóta
- L 246 III. Vegyes dalok, 9. Juhászcsúfoló
- L 247 III. Vegyes dalok, 10. Tréfás nóta
- L 248 III. Vegyes dalok, 11. Párosító (1)
- L 249 III. Vegyes dalok, 12. Párosító (2)
- L 450 III. Vegyes dalok, 13. Pár-ének
- L 251 III. Vegyes dalok, 14. Panasz
- L 252 III. Vegyes dalok, 15. Bordal
- L 253 IV. Új dalok, 16. Allegro
- L 254 IV. Új dalok, 17. Più allegro
- L 255 IV. Új dalok, 18. Moderato
- L 256 IV. Új dalok, 19. Allegretto
- L 257 IV. Új dalok, 20. Allegro non troppo
- BB 99 Hungarian Folk Songs for mixed voices
- BB 106 Székely Folk Songs for men's voices
- BB 108 Five Hungarian Folksongs for voice and orchestra
- L 238 1. A tömlöcben
- L 239 2. Régi keserves
- L 248 3. Sárga csikó, csengő rajta
- L 251 4. Panasz
- L 249 5. Virágéknál ég a világ
- BB 125 The Husband's Lament for voice and piano
- L 285 Goat Song
- BB 34 Székely Folksong for voice and piano
Orchestral Works
- BB 76 Romanian Folk Dances for small orchestra
- L 128 1. Stick Dance
- L 129 2. Belt Dance
- L 130 3. Stamping Dance
- L 131 4. Dance of Bucium
- L 132 5. Romanian Polka
- L 133 6. Quick Dance (1)
- L 134 6. Quick Dance (2)
- BB 94b Rhapsody no. 1 for violin and orchestra
- L 222 Prima parte ("Lassú") (1)
- L 223 Prima parte ("Lassú") (2)
- L 224 Seconda parte ("Friss") (1)
- L 225 Seconda parte ("Friss") (2)
- L 226 Seconda parte ("Friss") (3)
- L 227 Seconda parte ("Friss") (4)
- BB 96b Rhapsody no. 2 for violin and orchestra
- L 228 Prima parte ("Lassú") (1)
- L 229 Prima parte ("Lassú") (2)
- L 230 Prima parte ("Lassú") (3)
- L 231 Seconda parte ("Friss") (1)
- L 232 Seconda parte ("Friss") (2)
- L 233 Seconda parte ("Friss") (3)
- L 234 Seconda parte ("Friss") (4)
- L 235 Seconda parte ("Friss") (5)
- L 236 Seconda parte ("Friss") (6)
- L 237 Seconda parte ("Friss") (7)
- BB 102b Dances from Transylvania for orchestra
- L 123 1. Bagpipers (1)
- L 124 1. Bagpipers (2)
- L 125 2. Bear Dance
- L 126 3. Finale (1)
- L 127 3. Finale (2)
- BB 103 Hungarian Sketches for orchestra
- L 70 5. Ürögi kanásztánc / Swineherd's Dance
- BB 107 Hungarian Peasant Songs for orchestra
- L 187 1. Ballad
- L 188 2. Hungarian Peasant Dances (1)
- L 189 2. Hungarian Peasant Dances (2)
- L 190 2. Hungarian Peasant Dances (3)
- L 191 2. Hungarian Peasant Dances (4)
- L 192 2. Hungarian Peasant Dances (5)
- L 193 2. Hungarian Peasant Dances (6)
- L 195 2. Hungarian Peasant Dances (7)
- L 196 2. Hungarian Peasant Dances (8)
- BB 76 Romanian Folk Dances for small orchestra
Chamber Works
- BB 45a From Gyergyó for recorder and piano
- L 22 1. (Rubato)
- L 23 2. (Poco più mosso)
- L 24 3. Tempo di marcia
- BB 45a Three Hungarian Folksongs from Csík
- L 22 1. (Rubato)
- L 23 2. (Poco più mosso)
- L 24 3. Tempo di marcia
- BB 53add Hungarian Folk Tunes for violin and piano (arr. Joseph Szigeti)
- L 56 Part I, Parlando [Fehér László lovat lopott]
- L 46 Part I, Andante non molto [Nagyváradi kikötőbe]
- L 70 Part I, Allegro vivace [Házasodik a tücsök]
- L 61 Part II, Andante sostenuto [Csillagok, csillagok]
- L 34 Part II, Allegro [Hej tulipán, tulipán]
- L 41 Part III, Andante [Megöltek egy legényt]
- L 66 Part III, Poco vivace [Tíz liter bennem van]
- BB 68add Romanian Folk Dances for violin and piano (arr. Zoltán Székely)
- L 128 1. Stick Dance
- L 129 2. Belt Dance
- L 130 3. Stamping Dance
- L 131 4. Dance of Bucium
- L 132 5. Romanian Polka
- L 133 6. Quick Dance (1)
- L 134 6. Quick Dance (2)
- BB 94a Rhapsody no. 1 for violin and piano
- L 222 Prima parte ("Lassú") (1)
- L 223 Prima parte ("Lassú") (2)
- L 224 Seconda parte ("Friss") (1)
- L 225 Seconda parte ("Friss") (2)
- L 226 Seconda parte ("Friss") (3)
- L 227 Seconda parte ("Friss") (4)
- BB 94c Rhapsody no. 1 for violoncello and piano
- L 222 Prima parte ("Lassú") (1)
- L 223 Prima parte ("Lassú") (2)
- L 224 Seconda parte ("Friss") (1)
- L 225 Seconda parte ("Friss") (2)
- L 226 Seconda parte ("Friss") (3)
- L 227 Seconda parte ("Friss") (4)
- BB 96a Rhapsody no. 2 for violin and piano
- L 228 Prima parte ("Lassú") (1)
- L 229 Prima parte ("Lassú") (2)
- L 230 Prima parte ("Lassú") (3)
- L 231 Seconda parte ("Friss") (1)
- L 232 Seconda parte ("Friss") (2)
- L 233 Seconda parte ("Friss") (3)
- L 234 Seconda parte ("Friss") (4)
- L 235 Seconda parte ("Friss") (5)
- L 236 Seconda parte ("Friss") (6)
- L 237 Seconda parte ("Friss") (7)
- BB 102a Sonatina for violin and piano (arr. Endre Gertler)
- L 123 1. Bagpipers (1)
- L 124 1. Bagpipers (2)
- L 125 2. Bear Dance
- L 126 3. Finale (1)
- L 127 3. Finale (2)
- BB 104 Forty-four Duos for two violins
- L 263 Volume I, 1. Matchmaking Song
- L 264 Volume I, 2. Maypole Dance
- L 265 Volume I, 3. Menuetto
- L 266 Volume I, 4. Summer Solstice Song
- L 267 Volume I, 5. Slovakian Song (1)
- L 268 Volume I, 6. Hungarian Song (1)
- L 269 Volume I, 7. Walachian Song
- L 270 Volume I, 8. Slovakian Song (2)
- L 271 Volume I, 9. Play Song
- L 272 Volume I, 10. Ruthenian Song
- L 273 Volume I, 11. Cradle Song
- L 274 Volume I, 12. Hay-gathering Song
- L 275 Volume I, 13. Wedding Song
- L 276 Volume I, 14. Pillow Dance
- L 277 Volume II, 15. Soldiers’ Song
- L 278 Volume II, 16. Burlesque
- L 279 Volume II, 17. Hungarian March (1)
- L 280 Volume II, 18. Hungarian March (2)
- L 54 Volume II, 19. A Fairy Tale
- L 281 Volume II, 20. Alternating Song
- L 282 Volume II, 21. New Year’s Greeting (1)
- L 283 Volume II, 22. Mosquito Dance
- L 284 Volume II, 23. Farewell to the Bride
- L 285 Volume II, 24. Jeering Song
- L 286 Volume II, 25. Hungarian Song (2)
- L 287 Volume III, 26. Teasing Song
- L 288 Volume III, 27. Limping Dance
- L 289 Volume III, 28. Sorrow
- L 290 Volume III, 29. New Year’s Greeting (2)
- L 291 Volume III, 30. New Year’s Greeting (3)
- L 292 Volume III, 31. New Year’s Greeting (4)
- L 293 Volume III, 32. Dance from Máramaro
- L 294 Volume III, 33. Harvest Song
- L 295 Volume III, 34. Enumerating Song
- L 296 Volume IV, 37. Prelude and Canon
- L 297 Volume IV, 38. Romanian Whirling Dance
- L 298 Volume IV, 39. Serbian Dance
- L 299 Volume IV, 40. Walachian Dance
- L 300 Volume IV, 41. Scherzo
- L 301 Volume IV, 42. Arabian Song
- L 302 Volume IV, 43. Pizzicato
- L 303 Volume IV, 44. Transylvanian Dance
- BB 109 Hungarian Folk Tunes for violin and piano (arr. with Tivadar Országh)
- L 62 Part I, 1. Andante [Fehér fuszujkavirág]
- L 64 Part I, 2. Allegretto [Nem messzi van ide Margitta]
- L 45 Part I, 3. Lento, ma non troppo [Kis kece lányom]
- L 59 Part I, 4. Allegro [Anyám, édesanyám]
- L 44 Part II, 5. Lento, poco rubato [Nem loptam én életembe]
- L 42 Part II, 6. Allegretto [A csanádi legények]
- L 47 Part II, 7. Allegretto scherzando [Ha bemegyek, ha bemegyek, ha bemegyek a dobozi csárdába]
- L 36 Part II, 8. Sostenuto [Ej görbénye, görbénye]
- L 49 Part II, 9. Allegro robusto
- BB 45a From Gyergyó for recorder and piano
Piano works
- BB 45b Three Hungarian Folksongs from Csík
- L 22 1. Rubato
- L 23 2. L'istesso tempo
- L 24 3. Poco vivo
- BB 50 Fourteen Bagatelles, op. 6
- L 25 4. Grave [Mikor gulyásbojtár voltam]
- L 26 5. Vivo [Ej’ po pred naš, po pred naš]
- BB 51 Ten Easy Piano Pieces
- L 27 6. Hungarian Folk Song
- L 28 8. Folk Song
- BB 53 For Children
- L 29 Volume I, 1. Children at Play
- L 30 Volume I, 2. Children's Song
- L 31 Volume I, 3. Quasi adagio
- L 32 Volume I, 4. Pillow Dance
- L 33 Volume I, 5. Play
- L 34 Volume I, 6. Study for the Left Hand
- L 35 Volume I, 7. Play Song
- L 36 Volume I, 8. Children's Game
- L 37 Volume I, 9. Song
- L 38 Volume I, 10. Children's Dance
- L 39 Volume I, 11. Lento
- L 40 Volume I, 12. Allegro
- L 41 Volume I, 13. Ballad
- L 42 Volume I, 14. Allegretto
- L 43 Volume I, 15. Allegro moderato
- L 44 Volume I, 16. Old Hungarian Tune
- L 45 Volume I, 17. Round Dance
- L 46 Volume I, 18. Soldiers' Song
- L 47 Volume I, 19. Allegretto
- L 48 Volume I, 20. Drinking Song
- L 49 Volume I, 21. Allegro robusto
- L 50 Volume I, 22. Allegretto
- L 51 Volume I, 23. Dance Song
- L 52 Volume I, 24. Andante sostenuto
- L 56 Volume I, 25. (early version: 28) Parlando
- L 54 Volume I, 26. Moderato
- L 55 Volume I, 27. Jest
- L 58 Volume I, 28. (early version: 30.) Choral
- L 59 Volume I, 29. (early version: 31.) Pentatonic Tune
- L 60 Volume I, 30. (early version: 32.) Jeering Song
- L 61 Volume I, 31. (early version: 33.) Andante tranquillo
- L 62 Volume I, 32. (early version: 34.) Andante
- L 63 Volume I, 33. (early version: 35.) Allegro non troppo
- L 64 Volume I, 34. (early version: 36.) Allegretto
- L 65 Volume I, 35. (early version: 37.) Con moto
- L 66 Volume I, 36. (early version: 38.) Drunkard's Song
- L 67 Volume I, 37. (early version: 39.) Swine-Herd's Song
- L 68 Volume I, 38. (early version: 40.) Winter Solstice Song
- L 69 Volume I, 39. (early version: 41.) Allegro moderato
- L 70 Volume I, 40. (early version: 42.) Swine-Herd's Song
- L 53 Early version, Volume I-II, 25. Allegro
- L 57 Early version, Volume I-II, 29. Allegro
- L 71 Volume II, 1. Allegro
- L 72 Volume II, 2. Andante
- L 73 Volume II, 3. Allegretto
- L 74 Volume II, 4. Wedding Song
- L 75 Volume II, 5. Variations
- L 76 Volume II, 6. Round Dance I (early version: Play Song)
- L 77 Volume II, 7. Sorrow (early version: Song of the Highway Robber)
- L 78 Volume II, 8. Dance
- L 79 Volume II, 9. Round Dance II (early version: Children's Song)
- L 80 Volume II, 10. Funeral Song
- L 81 Volume II, 11. Lento
- L 82 Volume II, 12. Andante rubato
- L 83 Volume II, 13. Allegro
- L 84 Volume II, 14. Moderato
- L 85 Volume II, 15. Bagpipe I
- L 86 Volume II, 16. Lament
- L 87 Volume II, 17. Andante
- L 88 Volume II, 18. Teasing Song
- L 89 Volume II, 19. Romance
- L 90 Volume II, 20. Game of Tag
- L 91 Volume II, 21. Pleasantry
- L 92 Volume II, 22. Revelry
- L 94 Volume II, 23. (early version: 24.) Poco andante
- L 95 Volume II, 24. (early version: 25.) Andante
- L 96 Volume II, 25. (early version: 26.) Scherzando
- L 98 Volume II, 26. (early version: 28.) Peasant's Flute
- L 99 Volume II, 27. (early version: 29.) Pleasantry II
- L 100 Volume II, 28. (early version: 30.) Andante molto rubato
- L 101 Volume II, 29. (early version: 31.) Canon
- L 102 Volume II, 30. (early version: 32.) Bagpipe II
- L 105 Volume II, 31. The Highway Robber (early version: 35. Another Song of a Highway Robber)
- L 106 Volume II, 32. (early version: 36.) Pesante
- L 107 Volume II, 33. (early version: 37.) Andante tranquillo
- L 108 Volume II, 34. (early version: 38.) Farewell
- L 109 Volume II, 35. (early version: 39.) Ballad
- L 110 Volume II, 36–37. (early version: 40–41.) Rhapsody (1)
- L 111 Volume II, 36–37. (early version: 40–41.) Rhapsody (2)
- L 112 Volume II, 38. (early version: 42.) Dirge
- L 113 Volume II, 39. (early version: 43.) Mourning Song
- L 93 Early version, Volume III-IV, 23. Molto rubato, non troppo lento
- L 97 Early version, Volume III-IV, 27. Moquerie
- L 103 Early version, Volume III-IV, 33. D'orphelin
- L 104 Early version, Volume III-IV, 34. Románc
- BB 54 Seven Sketches, op. 9b
- L 114 5. Romanian Folk Melody
- BB 66 First Term at the Piano
- L 119 7. Népdal / Folksong
- L 310 10. Népdal / Folksong
- L 120 13. Hol voltál, báránykám? / Where Have You Been, My Lambkin?
- L 121 15. Lakodalmas / Wedding Song
- L 122 16. Paraszttánc / Peasant’s Dance
- BB 67 Romanian Christmas Songs
- L 135 Series I, 1. Allegro [Pă cel plai de munte]
- L 136 Series I, 2. Allegro [Intreabă și 'ntreabă]
- L 137 Series I, 3. Allegro [D-oi roagă să roagă]
- L 138 Series I, 4. Andante [Ciucuri verde de mătasă]
- L 139 Series I, 5. Allegro moderato [Coborât-o coborât-o]
- L 140 Series I, 6. Andante [În patru cornuți de lume]
- L 141 Series I, 7. Andante [La lină fântână]
- L 142 Series I, 8. Allegretto [Noi umblăm d' a corindare]
- L 143 Series I, 9. Allegro [Noi acum ortacilor]
- L 144 Series I, 10. Più allegro [Tri crai de la răsăritu]
- L 145 Series II, 1. Molto moderato [Colo 'n jos la munte 'n josu]
- L 146 Series II, 2. Moderato [De-asupra pă răsăritu]
- L 147 Series II, 3. Andante [Crește-mi, Doamne, creștiu]
- L 148 Series II, 4. Andante [Sculați, sculați, boieri mari]
- L 149 Series II, 5. Moderato [Colo 'n josu, mai din josu]
- L 150 Series II, 6. Andante [Şi-o luat, luată]
- L 151 Series II, 7. Varianta della precedente [Colo sus mai susu]
- L 152 Series II, 8. Allegro [Colo sus pă după lună]
- L 153 Series II, 9. Allegretto [De ce-i domnul bunu]
- L 154 Series II, 10. Allegro [Hai cu toții să suimu]
- BB 68 Romanian Folk Dances
- BB 69 Sonatina
- BB 79 Fifteen Hungarian Peasant Songs
- L 182 Four Old Sorrowful Songs, 1. Rubato [Megkötöm lovamot]
- L 183 Four Old Sorrowful Songs, 2. Andante [Kit virágot rózsám adott]
- L 184 Four Old Sorrowful Songs, 3. Poco rubato [Aj, meg kell a buzának érni]
- L 185 Four Old Sorrowful Songs, 4. Andante [Kék nefelejts ráhajlott a vállamra]
- L 186 5. Scherzo [Feleségem olyan tiszta]
- L 187 6. Ballade (Tema con variazioni) [Angoli Borbála]
- L 188 Old Dance Tunes, 7. Allegro [Arra gyere amőrre én]
- L 189 Old Dance Tunes, 8. Allegretto [Fölmentem a szilvafára]
- L 190 Old Dance Tunes, 9. Allegretto [Erre kakas, erre tyúk]
- L 191 Old Dance Tunes, 10. L'istesso tempo [Zöld erdőben a prücsök]
- L 192 Old Dance Tunes, 11. Assai moderato [Nem vagy legény, nem vagy]
- L 193 Old Dance Tunes, 12. Allegretto [Beteg asszony, fáradt legény]
- L 194 Old Dance Tunes, 13. Poco più vivo [Sári lovam a fakó]
- L 195 Old Dance Tunes, 14. Allegro [Ësszegyűltek, ësszegyűltek]
- L 196 Old Dance Tunes, 15. Allegro
- BB 80b Three Hungarian Folk Tunes
- BB 83 Improvisations on Hungarian Peasant Songs, op. 20
- L 200 1. Molto moderato [Sütött ángyom rétest]
- L 201 2. Molto capriccioso [Meggyüttem én jól este]
- L 202 3. Lento rubato [Imhol kerekedik]
- L 203 4. Allegretto scherzando [Kályha vállán az ice]
- L 204 5. Allegro molto [Sót tegyünk a csíkra]
- L 205 6. Allegro moderato, molto capriccioso [Jaj istenem, ezt a vént]
- L 206 7. Sostenuto, rubato [Beli fiam beli]
- L 207 8. Allegro [Télen nem jó szántani]
- BB 92 Three Rondos on Folktunes
- L 215 1. Andante (1)
- L 216 1. Andante (2)
- L 217 1. Andante (3)
- L 218 2. Vivacissimo (1)
- L 219 2. Vivacissimo (2)
- L 220 3. Allegro molto (1)
- L 221 3. Allegro molto (2)
- BB 105 Mikrokosmos
- L 310 74. Hungarian Song
- L 311 95. Song of the Fox
- L 312 112. Variations on a Folk Tune
- L 313 127. New Hungarian Folk Song
- BB 113 Petite Suite
- L 289 1. Slow Melody
- L 293 1bis Walachian Dance
- L 297 2. Whirling Dance
- L 302 3. Quasi Pizzicato
- L 278 4. Ukrainian Song
- L 293 5. Bagpipe
- BB 45b Three Hungarian Folksongs from Csík
L 71
Volume II, 1. Allegro
For Children (1908–1910, rev. 1943; BB 53)
Bartók’s remark in the first edition of the work: "Slovenské spevy, vol. I, no. 595."
Collected by K. Szereday

Zoltán Kocsis
Bartók New Series, Hungaroton Records, 2009
© 2020 RCH Institute for Musicology